#102 | AI Tool: One AI, Prompt: Landing page

One AI - Generative AI API for businesses

Our purpose is to boost your productivity using the most innovative tools

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to Wildtools #102 newsletter!

In today's newsletter, we'll introduce you to an incredible generative AI API that will boost your business.

But that’s not all!

We also bring you a GPT prompt that will revolutionize your marketing game.

Imagine effortlessly creating highly converting sales pages tailored specifically for your target audience. Captivate your audience with a Facebook ad headline that stops scrolling thumbs and entices them to click. Build trust with powerful customer testimonials.

Create a desirable call to action and choose the perfect image.

Embrace the power of this cutting-edge tool and take your marketing to new heights!πŸ“ˆ 

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πŸ”₯ AI Tool of the day

One AI

Bye Bye spending time doing repetitive tasks!

With our cutting-edge Generative AI API, marketers can now save valuable time and streamline their go-to-market efforts effortlessly.

Unlock limitless possibilities and drive innovation with ease, as our tool automates time-consuming processes, allowing you to focus on strategic planning and creative campaigns.

Embrace efficiency and let our AI empower your business for unparalleled success.πŸ‘‡οΈ 

  • πŸ“› Name: One AI

  • πŸ“œ Description: One AI: Empower your business with our cutting-edge Generative AI API.

  • 🌐 Website: https://oneai.com/

  • πŸ’°οΈ Pricing: Freemium

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πŸ€–1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Landing page

πŸ‘‰οΈ Category: Copywriting

πŸ“‘ Summary: First and foremost, imagine effortlessly creating highly converting additional sales pages. With this GPT prompt, you'll follow a simple template to craft detailed landing pages tailored specifically for your target audience. No more struggling with copywriting or design – this prompt has got you covered!

Now, let's talk about the advantages it brings. By using this GPT prompt, you'll be able to captivate your audience from the get-go with a Facebook ad headline that perfectly matches your page title. It's all about stopping those scrolling thumbs and enticing them to click. Highlight the problem your audience faces and how your product provides the ultimate solution.

Moving on to the landing page itself, the GPT prompt helps you create an exciting headline that ignites your audience's desire to sign up and get the product. Focus on the remarkable results your product delivers and emphasize what sets it apart from the competition. And don't forget the subheadline – let your audience know what they'll no longer have to worry about once they have your product in their hands.

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) πŸ‘‡οΈ:

"""Act as an expert in marketing and copywriting specialized in creating highly converting additional sales pages. Follow the template below to write and design a highly detailed landing page about [product] for [audience]. The goal of the page is [objective].

[Facebook ad headline that matches the page title]

[Facebook ad headline]: Create an intriguing headline that makes the target market stop scrolling and click on the ad to learn more. Focus on the problem they are facing and how the product solves it.

[Landing page headline]: Create an exciting headline that increases their desire to sign up and get the product. Focus on the result the product provides and why it is different from anything else.

[Subheadline]: Include what they will no longer have to do once they get the product.

[Building Trust]
[Customer testimonial]: ""I can't believe the difference [Your Product/Service] has made in my life! The results are incredible, and I am thrilled with my purchase!"" - [Customer's Name, Location]

[Call to Action]
[Call to Action text]: Create a desirable call to action to help [audience]. Keep in mind that the goal of the page is OBJECTIVE.

[CTA Button]
[Conversion Button]: Create a brief call to action to increase the number of people who will want to click to get their desired result by getting the product.

[Page Design]

Suggest what color the page should be to maximize conversion for the audience. What color should the button be? What image should be included?"""

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