#103 | AI Tool: ThumbnailAi, Prompt: Meetings

ThumbnailAi - Will provide reviews of youtube thumbnails using AI

Our purpose is to boost your productivity using the most innovative tools

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to Wildtools #103 newsletter!

In today's newsletter, we'll introduce you to ThumbnailAi, a cutting-edge AI tool that optimizes your YouTube thumbnails for higher click-through rates and increased video visibility.

But that's not all! We also have an amazing GPT prompt to share with you. This revolutionary tool generates meeting agendas, saving marketers valuable time and ensuring efficient and productive discussions.

Say goodbye to endless brainstorming sessions and hello to streamlined decision-making!📈 

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🔥 AI Tool of the day

Thumbnail AI

Bye Bye spending time doing tedious thumbnail analysis!

ThumbnailAi, powered by cutting-edge AI technology, streamlines your YouTube thumbnail optimization process.

Boost click-through rates and maximize video visibility effortlessly. Marketers, rejoice! This user-friendly tool saves time and enhances your go-to-market strategy.

Elevate your marketing game with ThumbnailAi today!.👇️ 

  • 📛 Name: ThumbnailAi

  • 📜 Description: ThumbnailAi uses cutting-edge AI technology to analyze and optimize your YouTube thumbnails, ensuring higher click-through rates and maximizing your video's visibility.

  • 🌐 Website: https://thumbnail-ai.ybouane.com/

  • 💰️ Pricing: Free

Do you have an AI Tool and want to be featured? → Fill the form!

🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Meeting

👉️ Category: Business

📑 Summary: Generate meeting agendas that cover all crucial topics and allow ample room for discussion and decision-making. Say goodbye to endless brainstorming sessions and hello to efficient and productive meetings!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

What is the most efficient way to structure the meeting agenda to ensure that we cover all important topics and leave enough time for discussion and decision-making?

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