πŸ”₯ #140 | Best of the week

Your 5min AI newsletter that will help you upgrade as a professional. We do the heavy lifting! So you don't have to with our curated selection from hundreds of sources.

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to #140 Wildtools newsletter!

Each week, we bring you a summary of our daily Newsletter along with additional information to help you stay ahead of the curve. Our newsletter is designed to help you navigate the rapidly evolving world of AI marketing with ease. 🎁 

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πŸ”₯ AI Tools of the week

  • Monday: Brain.fm - AI Music to improve focus, meditation and sleep - link

  • Tuesday: Maps GPT - Quickly find and explore interesting places near them - link

  • Wednesday: Deep Nostalgia - Animate the faces in your family photos with an incredible technology - link

  • Thursday: Yoodli AI - AI speech coach helps you improve your communication skills with feedback - link

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🎟️ AI Events in the coming weeks

Q4 2023 - AI events

πŸ€– The Marketing Prompts that will do the heavy lifting for you

πŸ€–1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt 1 - Objectives of the advertisement - Facebook ads

πŸ‘‰οΈ Category: Advertising

πŸ“‘ Summary: Introducing the revolutionary GPT prompt in today's newsletter!

It's a game-changer for marketers like you, saving time and boosting productivity. With its advanced algorithms, GPT prompt generates specific marketing goals and tactics tailored to your needs, helping you increase brand awareness by [percentage] in [time interval].

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to success!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) πŸ‘‡οΈ:

We want to increase our brand awareness by [percentage] in the next [time interval]. What are the specific marketing goals and tactics we can use to achieve this?

Prompt 2 - Business Plan

πŸ‘‰οΈ Category: Business

πŸ“‘ Summary: Do you know who is your target audience and how they behave? Let’s use this GPT prompt and discover it!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) πŸ‘‡οΈ:

My business is [type]. Who is my target audience and what are their demographics, behaviors, and preferences?

Prompt 3 - Innovative Business Ideas

πŸ‘‰οΈ Category: Business

πŸ“‘ Summary: Introducing the revolutionary GPT prompt in today's newsletter! Say goodbye to time-consuming manual analysis.

With its advanced algorithms, this AI-powered tool effortlessly measures innovation success. Track progress using tailored metrics, saving marketers valuable time and providing actionable insights.

Elevate your marketing!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) πŸ‘‡οΈ:

How can we measure the success of our innovation efforts and what metrics should we use to track progress?

Prompt 4 - Additional Sale in the Order

πŸ‘‰οΈ Category: Copywriting

πŸ“‘ Summary: Say goodbye to time-consuming upsell page creation and hello to streamlined success!

With this GPT prompt, you can save valuable time and enhance your job as a marketer. By following the provided template, you'll effortlessly generate three personalized additional offers that perfectly complement your PRODUCT.

Let's dive into the benefits:

1. Attention-Grabbing Titles: Craft captivating titles that highlight the results your additional offer can achieve. By mentioning the name of the offer, you'll instantly pique your audience's curiosity and drive engagement.

2. Powerful Product Descriptions: In just 2 to 3 sentences, captivate your audience's attention and generate interest by clearly explaining the value of your offer. Showcase how it can effectively solve their problem, leaving them eager to take action.

3. Unique Pricing and Limited-Time Discounts: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by emphasizing the highly discounted nature of your offer. Let your audience know that this unique deal is only available for a limited time, compelling them to act swiftly.

4. Compelling Call to Action: Craft a brief yet compelling call to action that excites your audience about upgrading their order and reaping the benefits of the additional offer. Encourage them to take action now and seize the opportunity.

5. Eye-Catching Product Images: To enhance the appeal of your additional offer, we recommend selecting an image that visually represents the value it brings. Choose an image that aligns with your audience's desires and effectively communicates the benefits.

By leveraging this GPT prompt, you'll save time, improve your marketing efficiency, and effortlessly create highly converting upsell pages. So, what are you waiting for, marketing maestro? Dive into today's newsletter and unlock the power of the GPT prompt to take your marketing efforts to new heights!"

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) πŸ‘‡οΈ:

"Act as an expert in marketing and copywriting specializing in creating highly converting upsell pages. Follow the template below to create 3 different personalized additional offers based on the PRODUCT for [audience]. The goal of the page is [objective].

Based on PRODUCT, suggest 3 different additional offers that will complement PRODUCT.

PRODUCT: [insert product here]

Fill in the template below for each of the 3 additional offers.

Note that the additional offers should complement the PRODUCT. Make the text of the additional offer short.

[Title]: Create a attention-grabbing title that focuses on the result the additional offer will help achieve and mention the name of the additional offer.

[Product Description]: Write 2 to 3 powerful sentences that capture their attention, generate interest by explaining what you are offering, and show how the offer can solve their problem.

[Price and Discount]: Write a brief sentence that includes how this is a unique offer, highly discounted, and only available for a limited time.

[Call to Action]: Write a brief call to action to excite the audience about upgrading their order and benefiting from the additional offer.

[Product Image]: Recommend how the image of the additional offer should be."

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