🔥 #165 | Best of the week

Your 5min AI newsletter that will help you upgrade as a professional. We do the heavy lifting! So you don't have to with our curated selection from hundreds of sources.

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to #165 Wildtools newsletter!

Each week, we bring you a summary of our daily Newsletter along with additional information to help you stay ahead of the curve. Our newsletter is designed to help you navigate the rapidly evolving world of AI marketing with ease. 🎁 

Thanks for being part of this community and remember to give us feedback on how to improve or new products/services you would like to receive. Use the module at the end of this email.

Sponsorship opportunities: Are you a Company or StartUp and would like to advertise in Wildtools? → Fill this form and we will get back to you in 24-72h!

🔥 AI Tools of the week

  • Monday: Soofy - AI language-learning app with a focus on practice and real-life scenarios - link

  • Tuesday: Octane AI - Create engaging experiences, collect customer insights, and personalize the shopping journey - link

  • Wednesday: Ordinary People Prompts - Create, vote and comment your favorite AI prompts - link

  • Thursday: ChefGPT - AI-powered recipe recommendations based on various inputs - link

Do you have an AI Tool and want to be featured? → Fill the form!

🎟️ AI Events in the coming weeks

Q4 2023 - AI events

🤖 The Marketing Prompts that will do the heavy lifting for you

🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt 1 - Content idea generation

👉️ Category: Social Media

📑 Summary: Introducing the ultimate marketing hack!

Our AI-powered GPT prompt can effortlessly generate 10 brilliant social media post ideas tailored to your social media platform.

Establish yourself as an industry expert and captivate your idea audience.

Save time, boost engagement, and skyrocket your marketing success with this game-changing tool!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

Give me 10 ideas for social media posts on [Social Platform] that can help establish me as an expert in [topic] and resonate with [ideal audience/avatar].

Prompt 2 - Trend search

👉️ Category: Social Media

📑 Summary: Introducing the game-changing GPT prompt!

Say goodbye to endless brainstorming sessions.

With just a simple request, this AI marvel generates 10 trending, unique, and exciting topics for your [industry] on [Social Platform].

It's time to save time, boost creativity, and revolutionize your marketing strategy!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

Give me 10 trending, unique, and exciting topics for [industry] on [Social Platform].

Prompt 3 - Growing your following

👉️ Category: Social Media

📑 Summary: Introducing the ultimate time-saving tool for marketers!

Our AI-powered GPT prompt can revolutionize your social media game. It generates the latest proven strategies to grow your following, maximize reach, and boost engagement.

Say goodbye to endless research and hello to success!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

What are the best strategies for growing a following on social media platforms? Please provide the latest proven strategies to maximize growth on that platform and achieve maximum reach and engagement. Also, provide 10 popular examples that helped people in the [niche] niche to succeed using these strategies, mentioning their usernames and full names on social media at the end of the response.

Prompt 4 - Facebook content calendar

👉️ Category: Content creation - Facebook

📑 Summary:

"Introducing GPT Prompt: The Ultimate Time-Saver for Marketers!

Are you a busy marketer looking to streamline your content creation process? Look no further! With GPT Prompt, you can effortlessly generate 30 engaging Facebook posts for your company, saving you valuable time and effort.

Our AI-powered platform understands your requirements perfectly. It ensures that each post consists of at least 5 sentences, adheres to your guidelines (no discounts or new products mentioned), and is presented in a visually appealing calendar format.

But that's not all! GPT Prompt goes the extra mile by suggesting the ideal image for each post.

Don't let content creation be a time-consuming chore. Try GPT Prompt today and revolutionize your marketing strategy!"

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

"Your task is to help me create [30] Facebook posts for the following company in English. Each post you give me should have at least 5 sentences. The posts should not mention discounts or new products. Everything I said above is important and should be followed. Please put each of these posts in a well-presented table to make it look like a calendar. Also, please provide a suggestion for the image they should use for each post. The only columns in the grid should be for (1) post number, (2) post, (3) suggested image.

The company I need help with is the following.

[The name of the company is a type of business. Example: Super Candle is an online store]."

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