#168 | AI Tool: Analogenie, Prompt: TikTok content calendar

Analogenie - Generate analogies, explain concepts, improve arguments, help readers understand.

Our purpose is to boost your productivity using the most innovative tools

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to Wildtools #168 newsletter!

In today's newsletter, we introduce you to Analogenie, a powerful AI tool that will revolutionize your communication game.

Say goodbye to spending hours on tedious market research! Analogenie unleashes the power of analogies to captivate your audience, enhance comprehension, and strengthen your persuasive prowess.

Elevate your content with ease and save valuable time.

Read on to discover how Analogenie can boost your marketing efforts and make your messages truly resonate with your audience.

And also we have a secret GPT prompt today!

Let's go 👇️ 

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🔥 AI Tool of the day


Bye Bye spending time doing tedious market research!

Analogenie unleashes the power of analogies to captivate your audience, enhance comprehension, and strengthen your persuasive prowess.

Elevate your communication game with ease and save valuable time in your go-to-market strategy.

Let Analogenie be your secret weapon for successful marketing campaigns!🔥 

  • 📛 Name: Analogenie

  • 📜 Description: Unleash the power of analogies to captivate your audience, enhance comprehension, and strengthen your persuasive prowess. Elevate your communication game with ease.  

  • 🌐 Website: https://analogenie.com/

  • 💰️ Pricing: Freemium

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🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - TikTok content calendar

👉️ Category: Content creation - TikTok

📑 Summary: With this GPT prompt, you can save time and enhance your job by generating 30 TikTok video ideas tailored to your company. These 15-second videos will captivate your audience with energetic and attractive content, following the latest TikTok trends.

By presenting the ideas in a well-organized table resembling a calendar, you can easily plan your content strategy.

Additionally, I'll suggest suitable images for each video, ensuring a visually appealing experience.

Boost your marketing efforts with this time-saving solution! 🚀 

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

"Your task is to help me create [30] TikTok video ideas for the following company. Each video idea you give me should be a maximum of 15 seconds. The videos should not mention discounts or new products. The videos should follow the latest TikTok trends and be very energetic and attractive. Everything I said above is important and should be followed. Please put each of these ideas in a well-presented table to make it look like a calendar. Additionally, please provide a suggestion for what image I should use for each video. The only columns in the table should be (1) video number, (2) video, (3) suggested image.

The company I need help with is:

[The name of the company is a type of business]"

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