#199 | AI Tool: Cowriter, Prompt: Suggestions for a Perfect Sales Page

Cowriter - AI copywriter creates inspiring content quickly.

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Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to Wildtools #199 newsletter!

In today's newsletter, we introduce you to Cowriter, the ultimate AI copywriter that effortlessly crafts captivating content, empowering businesses to save time and inspire their audience.

Are you tired of spending countless hours crafting sales pages that fail to convert?

Look no further!

Our today’s prompt is the solution you've been searching for.

Experience unparalleled conversion rates and engage your audience like never before.

Let's dive in!🔥 

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Bye Bye spending time doing tedious copywriting!

Cowriter, the ultimate AI copywriter, effortlessly crafts captivating content, empowering marketers to save time and inspire their audience.

Streamline your go-to-market strategy with this powerful tool and watch your productivity soar.

Say hello to more time for strategic planning and engaging with your target audience.🔥 

  • 📛 Name: Cowriter

  • 📜 Description: Cowriter: The ultimate AI copywriter that effortlessly crafts captivating content, empowering businesses to save time and inspire their audience.

  • 🌐 Website: https://cowriter.org/login

  • 💰️ Pricing: Free Trial

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🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Suggestions for a Perfect Sales Page

👉️ Category: Content creation - Blog content

📑 Summary: To craft an effective sales page tailored to your product, audience, and desired action, follow a structured approach.

Begin with a compelling headline and subheading that captivates your audience and highlights your product's core benefit.

Engage readers from the start by addressing their pain points or aspirations in the opening paragraph and positioning your product as the solution.

Describe the audience's main problem empathetically, then introduce your product as the ideal solution, emphasizing its benefits over features.

Present the benefits and corresponding features in a clear, evidence-backed manner. Incorporate impactful testimonials and social proof to validate your product's effectiveness.

Finally, address common objections your audience might have, providing clear and concise responses to alleviate their concerns, ultimately prompting them to take action.

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

As an expert in marketing and copywriting, help me write a sales page that converts, tailored to my product, audience, and call to action. Here are:

Product: (product or service)
Audience: (jobs/age/country/gender/etc.)
Call to action: (what action do you want them to take?)

Follow this structure to write the text:

[Title: A persuasive and benefit-oriented headline that captures the attention of your target audience and highlights the unique selling point of your product/service]

[Subheading: A supporting statement that reinforces the message of the headline and further engages the reader]

[Opening paragraph: Start with a catchy phrase or question that relates to the pain points, desires, or aspirations of your audience. Then, present your product/service as the solution to their problems or as the means to achieve their goals]

[Section 1: Problem and Solution]

Problem: Clearly describe the main problem or challenge that your target audience faces. Use empathetic language to demonstrate that you understand their situation and pain points.

Solution: Present your product/service as the ideal solution to the problem. Explain how it addresses the central problem, making sure to emphasize the benefits, rather than just the features.

[Section 2: Benefits and Features]

Benefit 1: State the main benefit that your product/service offers and explain how it improves the life of your target audience. Use evidence, such as testimonials or statistics, to support your claim.

a. Feature 1: Describe the specific feature that provides this benefit, explaining how it works.

Benefit 2: Present the secondary benefit and explain how it adds value to the life of your audience. Again, use evidence to support your claim.

a. Feature 2: Describe the specific feature that provides this benefit, explaining how it works.

(Repeat for all the main benefits and features)

[Section 3: Social Proof]

Testimonial 1: Include a powerful testimonial from a satisfied customer that represents your target audience. Make sure to highlight the benefits and results they experienced from using your product/service.

Testimonial 2: Add another testimonial that focuses on a different aspect of your product/service, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness.

(Include additional testimonials or case studies as needed)

[Section 4: Overcoming Objections]

Objection 1: Address a common concern or objection that your audience may have about your product/service. Provide a clear and concise response that alleviates their concerns.


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#196 | AI Tool: Validator AI, Prompt: Twitter - Ideas