#216 | AI Tool: Ai2sql, Prompt: Instagram Subtitles and Hashtags

Ai2sql - Enable non-engineers to write efficient SQL queries without knowing SQL.

Our purpose is to boost your productivity using the most innovative tools

Welcome to Wildtools #216 newsletter!

In today's newsletter, we'll introduce you to Ai2sql, the ultimate solution for non-engineers tired of spending hours on tedious SQL queries.

Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to effortless data analysis!

But that's not all.

We'll also unveil an AI-powered Instagram caption generator that will revolutionize your social media game.

With captivating captions and relevant hashtags generated in a snap, you'll have more time to focus on what truly matters – engaging your audience and boosting your marketing efforts.

Get ready to unlock the full potential of your data and elevate your brand like never before!!🔥 

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🔥 AI Tool of the day


Bye Bye spending time doing tedious SQL queries!

Ai2sql is the ultimate solution for non-engineers, empowering marketers to effortlessly write powerful SQL queries and unlock the full potential of their data.

Save time, improve go-to-market strategies, and unleash your marketing genius with this time-saving tool.🔥 

  • 📛 Name: Ai2sql

  • 📜 Description: Ai2sql is the ultimate solution for non-engineers, empowering them to effortlessly write powerful SQL queries and unlock the full potential of their data.

  • 🌐 Website: https://www.ai2sql.io/

  • 💰️ Pricing: Freemium

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🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Instagram Subtitles and Hashtags

👉️ Category: Content creation - Instagram

📑 Summary: Save time and boost your marketing efforts with this AI-powered Instagram caption generator.

It effortlessly generates captivating captions and relevant hashtags for any topic, allowing you to focus on other crucial tasks.

Elevate your social media game and engage your audience like never before!

Bonus trick: If you use ChatGPT Pro, try out the GPTs for image creation powered by the Dall-E model!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️:

Generate Instagram captions and relevant hashtags for the topic of [Topic]

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