#37 | AI Tool: Morise.ai, Prompt: Twitter - Tweets and Threads

Morise.ai - AI-powered tools for youtube growth.

Created using GPT4 + Canva 😳 

Welcome to Wildtools #37 newsletter!

In today's issue, we're thrilled to introduce you to Morise.ai, an AI tool that can help you grow your YouTube channel faster and more efficiently. But that's not all! We also have a fantastic prompt for you that can save you time and improve your job as a marketer. With its advanced AI technology, it generates unique and engaging content ideas in seconds.

Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to increased productivity.

Don't miss out on this issue!

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🔥 AI Tool of the day

Morise AI

Bye Bye spending time doing tedious tasks!

Morise can help you grow your YouTube channel faster and more efficiently. With our powerful tools, you can get more views, subscribers, and engagement without spending countless hours on manual tasks.

Say hello to more time for strategic planning and creative content creation.

Let Morise take care of the rest and watch your channel soar! 👇️ 

  • 📛 Name: Morise AI

  • 📜 Description: Morise.ai uses AI to help you grow your YouTube channel faster and more efficiently.

  • 🌐 Website: https://morise.ai/

  • 💰️ Pricing: Paid

Do you have an AI Tool and want to be featured? → Fill the form!

🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Content creation on Twitter

👉️ Category: Twitter - Tweets and Threads

📑 Summary: Are you tired of spending hours brainstorming content ideas? The GPT prompt of today can save you time and improve your job as a marketer. With its advanced AI technology, it generates unique and engaging content ideas in seconds.

Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to increased productivity.

Try it out today!

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️ :

"Based on the following tweet:
[Insert tweet text here]

Add 5 additional comments in the form of thread replies. Be bold, original, opinionated, and polarizing."

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