#47 | AI Tool: Codeium, Prompt: Copywriting models

Codeium - AI-powered code acceleration toolkit to code smarter, not harder.

Wildtools.ai → The best tools to boost your productivity

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Welcome to Wildtools #47 newsletter!

In today's issue, we're excited to introduce you to Codeium, an AI-powered toolkit that helps you code smarter, not harder. But that's not all! In today's newsletter, we'll also share with you a powerful prompt that will revolutionize your copywriting game.

With Codeium's GPT prompt, you can generate high-quality content ideas in no time, freeing up your schedule for other important tasks.

Don't miss out on this game-changing tool.

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🔥 AI Tool of the day

Codeium AI

Bye Bye spending time doing tedious coding tasks!

Codeium, the AI-powered toolkit, is here to help you code smarter and faster. With its advanced algorithms, Codeium accelerates your coding process, saving you valuable time and effort. As a marketer, you can now focus on your core job of creating effective marketing campaigns and strategies, while Codeium takes care of the coding.

Say hello to improved productivity and faster go-to-market timelines with Codeium! 👇️ 

  • 📛 Name: Codeium AI

  • 📜 Description: Codeium is an AI-powered toolkit that helps you code smarter, not harder. It accelerates your coding process, saving you time and effort.

  • 🌐 Website: https://codeium.com/

  • 💰️ Pricing: Free

Do you have an AI Tool and want to be featured? → Fill the form!

🤖1 Marketing Prompt that will do the heavy lifting for you

Prompt - Content creation: Blog content

👉️ Category: Copywriting models

📑 Summary: Attention marketers!

Say goodbye to time-consuming content creation with the GPT prompt of today. This AI-powered tool generates high-quality content in seconds, saving you hours of work. With its ability to understand your brand's tone and style, the GPT prompt ensures your content is always on-brand. Improve your productivity and focus on what really matters - engaging with your audience.

Try it now and see the results for yourself.

Copy and paste this prompt in ChatGPT (replace the content in [] for your own content) 👇️ :

"Based on the AIDA formula (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)

Attention: Capture the reader's attention by showing something that stands out.
Interest: Attract the reader's curiosity by sharing interesting, fresh, and attractive information.
Desire: Show the benefits of your product, service, or idea and provide some facts that demonstrate what you say.
Action: Ask the reader to take the next step.

You are an expert in copywriting, use the AIDA formula to write about [product/service]. At the end of the text, readers should want to take action on: [goal, for example, clicking on a link]. The audience we are targeting is [audience]."

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